Fly-In Policy
Save Up to $500 When You Fly to Visit Us!

The University of Evansville attracts students from all over the United States, with many flying to and from Evansville Regional Airport. Our local airport is only 13 minutes from campus and is easily accessible, with direct flights to and from the hub cities of Dallas, Atlanta, and Charlotte, North Carolina.
Students interested in attending UE may take advantage of our fly-in reimbursement program when they fly into Evansville Regional Airport for their campus visit. This program provides a one-time reimbursement of up to $500* for high school seniors and transfer students (entering UE in the upcoming academic year) only. UE will reimburse you for half of your plane ticket, up to $250, following a campus visit. If you then decide to enroll, your account will be credited for the other half, up to a total of $500. Students from Alaska and Hawaii and other students that live outside the continental United States are eligible for a total of $600 (up to $300 after visiting and the other half, up to a total of $600, once enrolled).
Receipts must be received by the Office of Admission within 30 days of your campus visit in order to receive reimbursement.
Here are some examples of how it works:
Jenny flies in from Denver, Colorado, and the total cost of her ticket is $200. We will mail Jenny a check for $100 a few weeks after her visit. She has a wonderful visit and can't imagine herself going anywhere other than UE. At Summer Orientation and Academic Registration (SOAR), Jenny's account is credited for an additional $100.
Tom flies in from Hartford, Connecticut, and his ticket cost him exactly $500. We will mail Tom a check for $250 a few weeks after his visit. Tom decides that UE is the perfect fit for him, and at SOAR his account is credited for the additional $250.
Mike flies in from Albuquerque, New Mexico, and his ticket cost him $575. We will mail Mike a check for $250 after his visit. Mike decides that UE is the only college for him, and at SOAR his account is credited for $250.
Kara flies in from Juneau, Alaska, and her ticket is $700. We will mail Kara a check for $300 a few weeks after her visit. Kara, of course, decides that she HAS to come to the University of Evansville. At SOAR, her account is credited $300.
- Carlos flies in from Madrid, Spain, and his ticket is $850. We will mail Carlos a check for $300 a few weeks after his visit. Carlos enjoys his time in the states and makes the decision to attend UE. At International Orientation, his account is credited $300.
For more information about our fly-in policy, contact the Office of Admission at 1-833-BeAnAce (1-833-232-6223), or email
* If using frequent flier miles, you will only be reimbursed for the actual cash paid amount listed on the flight itinerary (up to $500).
Office Phone
1-833-BeAnAce (1-833-232-6223)
Office Email
Office Location
1800 Lincoln Ave. Evansville Indiana 47722