Apartments and Townhouse Assignments
The majority of apartments and townhouse units are four-person occupancy; however, additional units are available for single and two-person occupancy.
More information on specific areas can be found in the Upper-Class-Only Housing Options section.
Apartments and Townhouses are reserved primarily for students who are juniors and seniors. To reserve a unit, students need to form a roommate group in their eRezLife account. Each student should be a junior or senior level student. Limited space is reserved in Jones Hall for rising sophomore students and is explained in the Sophomore Options section.
Selection appointments are made based on term of entry to the university as well as when housing applications are received. Please note that while apartment and townhouse units are available to upperclassmen, there is not adequate space to house all students requesting placement in these areas. A housing selection timeline can be found on the Returning Student Process Calendar.
The University reserves the right to make or change assignments, assign a new roommate, or consolidate spaces at any point in the academic year based on the needs of the program.
Office Phone
Office Email
Office Location
Student Life Center, Second Floor, Ridgway University Center